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eMIP Platform: Managing Deliverables, Results and Indicators in PEO/PoIDS Projects – Alignment with the financier’s requirements

Updated: Dec 30, 2024

Implementing a complex project, such as those funded under PEO/PoIDS, comes with rigorous reporting and management requirements for deliverables, results and indicators. The eMIP platform brings a modern and efficient solution, which simplifies processes and ensures alignment with the funder's requirements.

Managing Deliverables, Results and Indicators in PEO/PoIDS Projects
The Expert Calendar tool allows the management of Deliverables, Results and Indicators in PEO/PoIDS Projects

💡 Adaptation to the new requirements of the funder

The eMIP platform is designed to respect the reporting structure, defined in the PEO/PoIDS Beneficiary Manual. Thus, users can manage Deliverables / Other Documents, Results and Indicators of projects, in accordance with the values ​​assumed by the Funding Request (F.R.).

Each deliverable / document generated by the implementation, can be associated to Results, Indicators or Target Group Member

Fecare livrabil / document generat prin proiect, poate fi asociat la Rezultate, Indicatori sau Membrii Grup Țintă
Each deliverable / document generated by the implementation, can be associated to Results, Indicators or Target Group Member

The values ​​achieved and assumed are tracked in real time, eliminating the risk of errors and ensuring transparency in management:

Asociere document/livrabil la unul sau mai multe Rezultate, cu vizualizarea Stadiu realizare si Experti  implicați
Associate document/deliverable to one or more Results, with visualization of Achievement Status and Involved Experts

🛠️ Management of Deliverables, Results and Indicators in PEO/PoIDS Projects

  1. Management of deliverables and project documents: The platform allows users to organize and archive all documents associated with results and indicators.

  2. Automated reporting: Predefined formats are integrated, such as Annex 10 Monthly Activity Report and Annex 8 Timesheet, significantly reducing the time allocated to the reporting process. Automatic generation of reports based on information entered by the project team Experts, in the Expert Calendar.

  3. Management of Results, Achievement Indicators and Result Indicators of the project throughout the implementation period.

  4. Exemplification in workshops through DEMO project: Platform users have access to periodically organized workshops in which the facilities, tools and operating recommenda-tions are presented, through the use of demonstration projects, which detail the steps necessary to prepare a complete report.

Example Annex 10 Monthly Activity Report:

Example Annex 8 Timesheet:

🔗 Continuous adaptation

At the time of writing, the eMIP team is working to adapt the Timesheet (Annex 8) according to the latest Instruction No. 5 of December 17, 2024. This demonstrates the continuous commitment of our team to support users and adaptability to the program requirements.

The eMIP platform stands out not only through technology, but also through an understanding of user needs, contributing to the successful implementation of projects and compliance with the strict requirements of the funder.

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