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The package MIP & Business Plan

The package combines the advantages of the simultaneous use of the two macro-modules: MIP and Business Plan, managing both the Funding Source Project and the Business Plans financed by it. This ensures an excellent tool for monitoring business plans with the automatic loading of deliverables generated by PA, directly in the Monitoring Expert Calendar.

General presentation

The package  MIP & Business Plan (PA) , allows access to the project team (Project Manager, appointed monitoring experts)  what it implements  Project Source of funding  (managed by MIP),  to  all Business Plans  (StartUps) financed by this umbrella project, in order to monitor their activity.  

The monitoring process is performed by the Project Manager and designated Monitoring Experts, comprising the following sub -processes:

  • Management of deliverables related to the establishment, authorization, opening of bank accounts, registration  for VAT purposes of StartUp,

  • Management of the establishment of working points and changes in the ONRC, associated with the StartUp

  • Management of deliverables and changes in the Employee File, start-up jobs, etc.

  • Management of PA activities, human resources involved

  • Manage / Approve PA Modification Versions (Initiate Modification, Request Additional Information / Clarification, Respond to Additional Information, Approve / Reject Modification, Delete Modification of PA Version)

  • Manage and approve Budget changes.

  • Monitoring, procurement management - includes procurement validation sub-process 

  • Validation Expenditure operations (with the possibility of partial or full validation of  each of the expenses incurred (payments of salaries, contributions, purchases of goods, works or services, etc.)

  • Budget execution validation

  • Automatic Retrieval of Monitoring Reports on  monitoring interval

  • Extract archives on each monitored Business Plan

  • Access to the source project archive, which also includes the archives of all funded business plans.

Project Source of funding vs.
Business Plan / StartUp

Within the Funding Source Project (PSF) , the members of the Target Group participate in a Business Plan Competition , conducted on the basis of an approved and published Regulation for the knowledge of stakeholders (governmental, national and international authorities, business environment, eligible individuals for accessing the grant (de minimis aid scheme) Following the evaluation of the Business Plans by a committee of experts, they are noted correctly and transparently in accordance with the requirements / evaluation criteria published in the Regulation.  of Business Plans (less than 10% of participants) are declared winners of the Contest and receive funding for implementation.

In general, the Funding Source Projects also organize professional training programs in the field of Entrepreneurial Competences, and the Business Plans competition is the practical test of the professional training course.

Under these conditions, a Project Source of funding (PSF),  finances a limited number of Business Plans (beneficiaries being newly established companies, Start-ups), which is why it is necessary to monitor in a transparent way, how the money is spent  transfer to StartUps.

The monitoring process is one  bidirectional communication between the Financier (PSF) and the Business Plan Beneficiary (StartUp), comprising:  (1) mechanisms for initiating validation / modification actions  references (Business Plan / related Budget), respectively (2) response mechanisms to the request (Approval, negotiation, rejection), made by the Financier (PSF Representatives).

Interactions between PA Beneficiary
and Monitoring Expert

Monitoring experts can be  appointed  for  conducting the monitoring process in several ways:

  1. The monitoring expert manages one or more Business Plans

  2. Different monitoring experts can manage specialized components of the monitoring process (eg UK, Budget, Operations, Procurement)

  3. A different expert from the team can be assigned to each deliverable loaded in the Business Plan.

  4. They can be imagined as well  implementation and other ways of relationship between the PA Beneficiary and Monitoring Experts, as long as the Application is in continuous development.

These sub-processes of initiation / data analysis / validation / approval are presented schematically below:

MIP&PA package_edited.png

Benefits of use 
MIP Package & Business Plan

The communication channel (pipe-line) between the two super-modules is made through the Platform, the benefits of the monitoring process being obvious:

  1. Entrepreneurial and digital education.

  2. Digital transformation of new businesses (StartUps).

  3. Decision-making transparency (StartUp participates directly in the PA approval / modification process), the Financier can request additional information, StartUp can respond to the request, respectively submit a new change request at any time - if the first one was rightly rejected.

  4. Ensuring the complete control of the financier on the way in which the implementation of the financed Business Plan is carried out.

  5. Access to dedicated tools for sharing information between the two parties.

  6. The activity is suitable for teleworking, being perfectly adapted to the fight against the COVID 19 pandemic.

  7. Prevention of errors that may occur in the implementation process.

MIP &  Plan  Business - CONCEPT


Using the MIP platform - perform in real time the management, planning, organization, coordination, motivation, evaluation and control of ongoing POCU projects.


All the teams (management and project) of the partners, get quick access to the data of the managed projects, having at hand a set of customized software tools, for the successful implementation and at minimum costs of the project activities. 


The MIP platform facilitates the implementation of projects, by remotely operating resources, by managing and monitoring the factors involved in the implementation path of ongoing projects. The designated users have secure access to the project resources, using any of the computer devices they have at their disposal: desktop, laptop, tablets, smartphones.

MIP online platform - is useful for the simultaneous management of all projects carried out in parallel by  beneficiaries with teams of over 25 and 250 experts and  who want to boost their performance.

The package combines the advantages of the simultaneous use of the two macro-modules: MIP and Business Plan, managing both the Funding Source Project and the Business Plans financed by it. This ensures an excellent tool for monitoring business plans with the automatic loading of deliverables generated by PA, directly in the Monitoring Expert Calendar.

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