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eMIP in 

Statistical data
10 months-2022

The data is collected both from the platform and through Google Analytics, reflecting the average of the first 10 months of 2022.


Users, active accounts that operated the platform in the first 10 months 


Projects in various stages of implementation


Completed projects with complete archive  delivered to beneficiaries


Number of expert functions managed by the platform, 


Number of users with Manager role,  active on one or more projects


The number of sessions performed by users in the first 10 months


The average duration (min:sec) of the work sessions completed in the first 10 months


In the analyzed period, out of the total number of 1564 users. 1454 are active users in the first 10 months of 2022. The number of users is predominantly from the counties of Alba (40.21%), Bucharest (14.93%), Hunedoara (12.74%), Vrancea (9.41%) , Other counties (23.31%)

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Number of work sessions

From the total number of 13,908  work sessions carried out in the mentioned period, the distribution by counties is as follows: Alba (35.97%), Bucharest (23.45%), Hunedoara (16, 17%), Vrancea (8.81%), and in the other counties 2,100 sessions are carried out, i.e.   approx 15.1% of the total

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Average duration of the work session

The average duration of work sessions, measured according to the calculation algorithm  of Google Analytics, for the analyzed interval is15:45 min. The county structure of this indicator is as follows: Sibiu (38:25), Braila (36:38), Mures (25:46), Buzău (21:38), Alba (20:01), Tulcea (18:14) . 

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Number of pages accessed per session

Pages/Session (Average page view depth) represents the average number of pages viewed during a session.  The average value is7.63 pages/session. Against this average there is the following distribution: Bucharest (5.53),  Hubedoara (6.04), Alba (11.35).

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