The Beneficiary's Manual represents a technical information material for the Beneficiaries of the Human Capital Operational Program, which constitutes an informative support for the implementation of projects financed through this program.This document is strictly indicative and does not derogate from the provisions of the financing contract, national and community legislation.
Beneficiary Manual Version June 23, 2022
The changes targeted in the new June 2022 version
Additions regarding the following aspects:
Emphasizing the equivalence of the information from the participant_form of Annex 17 - POCUForm.B tool and those from Annex 8 - The form for individual registration of participants in the operations financed by POCU 2014-2020. Do not complete both documents. It is sufficient to complete the information in the participant_form in POCUForm.B, considering that the aggregation of information is currently done within the POCUForm.B tool. Annex 8 of the Beneficiary's Manual has been updated, being the excel equivalent of the participant_form (POCUForm.B).
The possibility of online ad hoc visits, including in the case of activities carried out in physical format, but for which the Beneficiary confirms in Annex 21 the possibility of granting online access to the responsible AM/OI project officers.
Modification of Annex 18 – Monthly activity report, in order to mention the experts who contribute to the realization of the common deliverables.
How to report the indicators of immediate result/longer term result achieved after the completion of the project implementation period.
The impact of ad hoc visit checks, in the case of the Beneficiary/Partner responsible for the activity subject to the check.
The method of requesting pre-financing in tranches of a maximum of 30% of the eligible value of the project was highlighted in Subchapters 1.4-Pre-financing request and 3.1.6-Pre-financing tranches for projects financed under Specific Objective "4.9. Increasing the number of people who benefit from health programs and services aimed at prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and early treatment for the main pathologies".
Modification of the following forms:
Appendix 8 – Individual registration form for participants,
Appendix 9 – Technical report,
Appendix 18 – Monthly activity report,
Appendix 21 – Information Beneficiary activities the following month.
Entering the form:
Appendix 30 – Reporting post-implementation indicators.