We reviewed the tools for the automatic generation of Declarations related to the PNRR - SME DIGITALIZATION program... These are published and offered FREE of charge by the eMIP team, to applicants (SMEs) and consultants in writing projects with European funds to quickly and efficiently generate the necessary declarationsto request funding for digitization projects.

As I have already mentioned, the tool is useful both for SMEs as applicants, and for consultants who prepare the Application for financing, the Business Plan with the related Annexes, which also contain the Package of updated Declarations.
It should be mentioned that the V5 version is updated according to the SME Digitization Guide - Corrigendum 4 OMIPE no.217_08.02.2023 and is addressed to Autonomous Enterprises, the version addressed to Related Enterprises and Partner Enterprises - being in the works.
In conclusion, the new tool for the automatic generation of Statements related to the PNRR program funding application - SME DIGITALIZATION, published by the eMIP Platform team, is an important step in automating and digitizing the process of writing and preparing the PNRR C9 M1 program funding application file- DIGITALIZATION OF IMM.
After downloading the archive Genera Declaratii_Ghid Consolidat MIPE 217_08.02.2023.v5 and saving the content, please open the _Date generare Anexe.xlsm file to familiarize yourself with the work sheets.The data already uploaded are demonstrative. For operationalization, the links between the two files must be restored (see Instructions, step 6 - "Restore links between files").
Emptying the form is done automatically, if you use the empty form button (from the Load_DATE tab). Read the instructions and use it as such! Self-troubleshooting: B@U
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